Saturday, September 01, 2007

Thousand lives...for a dagger...

Once a warrior met a dagger…all that the warrior saw in the dagger…was her strength, beauty and the spirit that she imparted to the one whom she blessed…In all the campaigns, the warrior and the dagger were together…warrior was blessed by the thousand lives…and the dagger was the best in her skills…

The story went was like the dagger defended the warrior...and shined with the glorious colors...Warrior also defended the dagger from the nasty blows of the enemies...Every thunder that hit the dagger...was felt by the warrior...he tried to improve the situation and looked out for new solutions...New ideas to take over the campaign flowed from them...No wonder how difficult the campaigns were...all fell to their feet...

Everything was good but not for the long time…warrior had never tried to exercise his ownership over the dagger…he had thought…that…he was only a warrior…his weapon will only see the campaigns…but he dreamt to keep it in the court…a day came…he had to take over another campaign…he had to leave the dagger alone…and during this period…the days went sour…

Dagger…she imparted strength to him…now she was someone else’s…she had to forget the campaigns that she had taken over along with the warrior…when he came back from the campaign…he went to see the dagger…but the dagger had changed her shine…unable to consume this…he fell off his feet…all that he thought…was…the same dagger will again work for him…but this did not happen…

All that the dagger did…was to show the sharpness of her edges…there was the first stroke…the warrior of campaigns…who had seen many battles…had consumed many wound…was wounded again…the nasty blow came from someone’s hand…but it was his dagger that injured him…he can see nothing but the dagger…this had taken his life…

He came back with the second life…again to die…at the hands of the dagger…came again for the third time…died again…and the fourth time…fifth…sixth…seventh…and this continued…

All that came to the warrior’s mind were…the days when the warrior and the dagger were together…no-one owned anyone…but they had happily taken over a lot many of campaigns...with a smile…he kept on hoping…it is this dagger which will again impart him the strength…he had forgotten that he had already lost his thousand lives…now left with nothing...and even then…he was there…in front of the dagger…once again to die…

Warrior had taken his decision…with a single hope with him...he had no fear of the death…now it was all up to the dagger’s mind…

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