Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Astro Speaks…

What should I do if I am born to be like this…accept it or not…but I am like this…now that’s not what I say…astro speaks…any other observations are welcome…put them in comment…

You were born under the Sun in Aquarius considered the most extravagant of all Zodiac signs. Your character is ruled by two opposing planets: Saturn, the symbol of order, rationality and concentration, and Uranus, unpredictable like February winds.
Consequently, you are a person of extremes, at one moment appearing sober and career-minded, at the other turning into a regular guy who likes to dream of a better world in a circle of like-minded companions. You have a versatile nature, allergic to routine and conventions, and unmatched in absorbing everything new and unusual.

Even if fortune doesn't provide opportunity for a peaceful fulfillment, it won't stop you. Your concealed energy will find the way out, but in this case it may take a wicked shape and turn your eccentricity into riot, your hunger for novelty into reckless adventurism. With your very personal interpretation of things, you are somewhat difficult to follow, which only increases your disposition to eccentricity, being in fact your peculiar means of psychological defense against penetration of your inner world. You are a pleasant companion provided your associates don't try to alter you in accordance with their liking.

Never snobbish, you still love it when others duly recognize and appreciate your numerous talents and share your high opinion of yourself. Nevertheless, you do not tolerate flattery, considering it a cheap imitation that interferes with your right of being unique. You like to take on complex tasks, where others failed. Only such a challenge is worth your time and effort. You have a keen interest in the latest achievements of science and technology and eagerly share your knowledge with others. You are mobile and restless, especially when swayed by a new idea, and absolutely unpredictable, which, depending on circumstances, could be a blessing or a nightmare for the people around you: the first, because you are never boring, the latter, because most fellow humans feel much less comfortable than you when their life takes totally unexpected turns. You are as a person full of responsibility in meeting obligations undertaken.

You are perfectly fit for a consultant or intermediary job, have a talent for giving appropriate advice, carrying on negotiations and finding a relieving compromise in any situation. Your ability to find understanding with total strangers helped you more than once both in professional and everyday life. You feel at ease both in face-to-face contacts and in front of a large audience. You prefer to have your own world view without taking advice from anyone. You like to talk, share your thoughts and have interested listeners around but you don't like to listen by yourself. You are strongly attracted by anything new, may it be work, ideas or people.

You constantly need new food for your mind. Usually you are inquisitive and garrulous. You have great communication skills and often deal with information at work. You have strong organization skills. You are pragmatic, circumspect, disciplined and know how to accumulate and place funds. You always save up for a rainy day. In private life you stay modest and follow strict moral values. In situations that are require you to demonstrate your personal qualities; you can surprise others with unusual and spontaneous behavior.

Partners play a major part in your life. It's their respect and high esteem that makes you feel validated.

It's very important for you to see yourself fulfilled in public life. You often find unusual ways of earning money. Up-to-date science and technology, inventors and laborsaving activities, as well as professions related to exploration of air and outer space can be the source of your well-being.

You are prepared to take risks for getting more money but usually try to calculate risks and their consequences. To build your system of live values, you need a partner. Your earnings may be connected to legal activities or your ability to conduct negotiations. You spend money on your marriage partners. You apparently prefer a somewhat eccentric style of communication with the people surrounding you in everyday life. Besides, you may have a talent for obtaining information using unconventional methods. You take authentic interest in other people's affairs and get a lot of valuable information from interaction with them.

You are relaxed and unconstrained in public. Probably, your relocations have to do with your marriage partner. You see your family as a community united by common ideas and common interests. You believe that a family should be organized on the basis of absolute mutual trust and friendship. It is important for you to know that you are building your house and making it a home, rather, for your spouse than yourself. You would prefer to spend your spare time following spontaneous ideas.

You are quite resourceful in everything related to leisure and hobbies. You are always ready to hit the road if you have a promise that you are going to come across something new and unusual. Eccentric creativity can be the basis of your partnership therefore you treat family life as gambling. Marriage for love is the only kind of marriage, you think, is acceptable. The subject of your activity can be connected with the search for internal links that unite different processes and actors of public relations. Your interest in global processes can result in your participation in various public organizations and social projects.

You know how to manage long-term planning and project development. As a rule, people of your psychological type choose occupations related to the implementation of the latest scientific ideas. You prefer a free informal working atmosphere to a rigid and strict one. Work acquires special meaning for you when you do it together with partners. Your spouse may have influenced your career choice.

It is quite probable that your job has to do with settling legal issues, composing agreements and contracts or court defense. You apparently like your relations with partners to be built on mutual freedom and openness. You are ready to give freedom to your partner expecting the same in exchange. In relationships with the opposite sex you like unusual extravagant actions. Partnerships are important for you both at work and in private life. Unfolding your potential in this area is one of your most important goals.

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