Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Learn what and from whom…secret of life…

Even am learning…and these are few things that am trying to learn from my guru…cant let you know his / her name…have taken an oath to that cause…these are his / her words…am just a medium…

What one should try to learn is…one thing from a lion; one from a crane; three from a donkey; four from a cock; four from a dog; five from a crow…

If one can practice these virtues then one shall become invincible in all his undertakings...and that’s the secret of becoming unconquerable…am trying to practice…you may also think of…ur wish…

From a lion…one…Whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort…let it be love, trust, work or enmity…unless you don’t give your hundred percent to it…your role remains unjustified…

From a crane…one…Restrain senses and accomplish the purpose with due knowledge of place, time and ability…wait for the right time for the right activity…till then concentrate on making yourself able for that moment…

From a donkey…one…Although tired, continue to carry burden…on this perishable land…u ve to play ur role…if u don’t then u too are perishable…and will come to birth again and again as a perishable…two…Be unmindful of cold and heat…happiness and sins are for the moment…enjoy them during that moment and move ahead…three…Be contented…play ur role and remain happy…

From a cock…one…Wake at the proper time…this is how one can increase efficiency…also act at proper time…two…Take a bold stand and fight…see the cock fight and you will know this…don’t accept injustice…be bold enough to speak out and bolder enough to stick to ur stand…three…Make a fair division among relations…before getting involved in any kind of relationship…qualify him / her…and check…is he / she really worth for your trust…four…Earn one's own bread by personal exertion…only this will bring satisfaction to you…were it be someone else’s exertion…ll give u nothing but nightmares…

From a dog…one…Contentment with little or nothing to eat although one may have a great appetite…whatever is given by the fate should be enough for making you happy…else…no…don’t even think of that…two…Awaken instantly although one may be in a deep slumber…come out of the evil and pseudo at the earliest…even if its more alluring…three…Unflinching devotion to the master…he is the one who will show u the right direction…and u ll follow him only if u have faith in him…four…Bravery...fight till the end against the false…u will find everything lost…if ur mind is captured by even a small momentary thought of running away like a coward…

From a crow…one…Union in privacy (with one's wife)…don’t make it a movie for others to watch…it is something to be experienced and not to be demonstrated…two…Boldness…whatever is in the mind should be on the face…three…Storing away useful items…only these help when wicked friends show their true colors…four…Watchfulness…keep your mind open to new things and acquire the good ones at lightening speed…and also sort out the bad ones…five…Not easily trusting others…the first look is always for impressing…but with time true colors start blooming…and the makeup starts fading…

Enough for now…will keep on blogging…and keep on celebrating the year of bonds…007…this is eleventh…still 89 to follow…u all know am trying to complete the century…

A small activity for you all…add a comment…if u really got to know anything from this time’s blog…let it come in the comment…and by that time I will prepare for next blog…

Till then…CYA…

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